
Psyche Unbound Symposium Celebrates Stanislav Grof, January 22, 2022

Stan and Brigitte Grof send the following message and links for those interested in the Psyche Unbound Symposium that took place last Saturday, January 22, 2022.

On Saturday January 22, 2022 we had an amazing symposium with many wonderful friends celebrating the Festschrift Psyche Unbound in honor of my 90th birthday. We are very grateful to Synergetic Press, City Lights Bookstore, MAPS and everyone contributing to this successful event. You can watch the symposium on Youtube now, here are the links. – Stan

Session One: Charting the Way of the Psychonaut – A storytelling event and tribute with Stanislav and Brigitte Grof joined by Rick Tarnas, Sean Kelly, Rick Doblin, Susan Hess Logeais, Will Keepin and Diane Haug. Moderated by David Presti.

Session Two: Psychotherapy and Consciousness – An overview of the research and main ideas of Stanislav Grof with Michael Mithoefer, Roshi Joan Halifax, Charles Grob, Paul Grof, and Jenny Wade. Moderated by Janis Phelps.

Session Three: Comparative and Theoretical Studies: Current Applications and Future Paradigms of Therapeutic Practice – A panel discussion with Tom Riedlinger, Tom Roberts, Diane Haug, Jasmine Virdi, and John Buchanan. Moderated by Maria Mangini.


Registration is open for the April 2021 Philosophy of Psychedelics Conference

Tickets for the Philosophy of Psychedelics conference, April 14-16, 2021, are now available from the University of Exeter. Speakers include Lenny Gibson, Matt Segall, Charlotte Walsh, Steve Odin, Johanna Sopanen, Franklin King, Peter Sjöstedt Hughes and more.

Can Exceptional Experience Save the World?

Conference Participants, Claremont School of Theology, March 2019


How can insights from process philosophy and transpersonal psychology be applied to create a more sustainable, just, and humane civilization for future generations? In the context of the deepening global crisis, the Center for Process Studies recently convened a small, interdisciplinary group at the Claremont School of Theology to focus on this urgent issue. The goal of the “Exceptional Experience” Conference, held March 21-24, 2019, was to examine ways in which Whitehead’s metaphysics can be applied to foster ecological intelligence. Twenty-six participants with a variety of perspectives gathered to build community, brainstorm, and identify opportunities for change and adaptation.

Read the full conference summary here: Conference Summary, Process Perspectives.


International Transpersonal Conference, September 2017

Roland Leonard Gibson,

Track: New Horizons in Science and Cosmology

The Origins and Future of Holistic Cosmology

Western philosophy has origins in the spiritual technologies of ancient Greek mystery religions. The ecstatic, psychedelic ritual of the Eleusinian Mysteries promoted an experience of death and rebirth that inspired dramatic insight into the nature of things by opening new eyes upon the world.

Besides bringing renewed perspective to topics such as the mind-body problem, the nature of experience, and of space and time, ecstatic experience can keep us from prematurely closing accounts with reality, per William James’s warning, on many other topics of philosophical and metaphysical investigation.

Alfred North Whitehead is the singular modern philosopher whose cosmology readily affords a framework for psychedelic exploration of cosmology. Similarly to Stanislav Grof, he says that the present moment of the soul “holds within itself the complete sum of existence, backwards and forwards, that whole amplitude of time, which is eternity.”

Whitehead suggests a new cosmology that conceives the fundamental realities of the universe not as bits of inert matter, but as occasions of experience such as spiritual technologies illuminate. His new cosmology holds promise for solving the paradoxes of modern science by imbuing deliverances from ancient mysteries.